WordPress task management

/Tag:WordPress task management

How to Manage User Role in WordPress (5 Useful Plugins)

By default, WordPress comes with five predefined user roles: Administrator Editor Author Contributor Subscriber Each of these roles comes with a set of specific permissions on what a user can and cannot do. However, out of the box, these user roles cannot be customized to limit or add new permissions. Should you want to expand the capabilities a [...]

By | September 11th, 2018|Reviews, Tips|0 Comments

What is WordPress Task? And What is WP Task Management?

To understand what WordPress task management is, it's important to have an understanding of what WordPress task is. A WordPress task is an assigned piece of WordPress-related work to be done. It could be anything from a simple plugin update to a more advanced work like cleaning up some code in the WordPress core. Now, [...]

By | February 25th, 2018|Tips|0 Comments